I love guitars. I know I have 50. I might have 60. I haven't counted them in a while. I got all kinds Rickenbackers, Les Paul's, SG, Firebird. Lots of fenders. Gretsch. Ibanez's, Takamine. Peavey, Burns. Epiphone, Lots of bass guitars. Hoffner.
If I had to get rid of them all and go down to one. It would be a fender Stratocaster. I have a lot and have built a few. Very Sturdy they can take a beating not like a Gibson or a Rickenbacker. You drop a Gibson or a Rickenbacker you can spend a thousand dollars getting the neck repaired. If you drop a fender probably nothing will happen and if you do ruin the neck you can buy a new one for one hundred dollars on eBay.
Hendrix played a strat Beck and Clapton play strats. Satriani played a strat before he got sponsored by Ibanez. Ibanezes are very good guitars also. My latest acquisition was a Fender Flea Jazz bass.
Before that a Gretsch electromatic hollow body .
I try to play for an hour a day. I have a lot of recording equipment. I will record all the side instruments and then record vocal and lead guitar to all kinds of songs. Any song that catches my fancy.
And then I have a library of 100's of rock classics that I can go over whenever I want.
I make the recording and leave the lead guitar and vocal off. Then I can jam out on any song that I am in the mood for.
Or if I get a gig. I have 100's of rock songs already recorded and I can just pull up the tracks and refresh myself on my parts.
I used to play a lot of gigs in my 20's thru 60's but Now that I am retired and don't need the money, I spend more time playing soccer. Soccer is less aggravating more peaceful and less stressful.
Playing music is peaceful and relaxing but playing music for money is more stressful than soccer.
At least that is how it has been for me for the last few years.
If you have a band you got to have 3 or 4 drummers and 3 or 4 bass players.
Then I sing and play guitar.
Or I just advertise my services on Craig's list. And be a hired gun and let somebody else have the stress.